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Discovering You; Remembering Your Child

"Because They Lived..."  Legacy Group Writing Project just for Moms

Do you want to be sure your child is remembered?

In this project, you will experience real personal healing, and you will have a permanent legacy to your child out in the world - a whole chapter about your child (written by you) in a very special published compilation book. Yes, really!

 ~ See Full Description Below ~

Next Session Starts Wednesday, August 14, 2024 

12 brave moms completed 3 incredible projects in 2023! And 2024's first session is nearly complete. There's still time to get on the Waitlist for the final group of the year in August 2024!

2024 is well underway (yes, with mixed feelings) and together we can move forward, bringing our kids with us... 

NEXT Session starts August 14, 2024.

Let's discover if this might be YOUR next step in healing- that will also allow you leave a lasting and powerful legacy to your child. GET ON WAITLIST NOW!

 [The video below also has the exact details- because I know that with 'grief brain,' we need different ways to take in information]

You have survived. You stepped bravely toward hope, and now it's time to continue on into healing. You want to do more, so what now, you ask? 
Are you at a place in your healing journey where you are interested in taking hold of your life, of your own personal growth, after the suicide loss of your child?
As moms, one of the most significant sources of sadness after the loss of our children is feeling like they will be forgotten. 
 Well, I am bringing these two things together in a powerful way! 
By now, you may have done some memorial projects, but maybe you have thought about something more—something long-lasting. However, you are stuck or even lacking the support, ideas, and accountability to move the needle forward. You may be ready for this next step in your healing, and I can help! 

 Want to Know More?

Ever hear of a Mastermind OR a Book Compilation? 
My "Because They Lived..." is like a Mastermind in format BUT so much more special - it will be about personal healing AND will include telling our child's life story. I take a different approach because moms who are choosing to live in the light of their child's life, not the shadow of their death, ARE different. 
By the end of this project, you will not only have a permanent legacy for your child in the form of a published chapter, but you will also have experienced natural personal healing.
This is an opportunity to honor your child's memory and heal your heart.  I know firsthand how powerful it is to come together for a mutual goal that feeds individual souls because I have been in this type of group for a long time, and it has been (and still is) nothing short of transformative! So, I have taken that idea and re-imagined it to fit grieving moms and our unique healing needs.
  I know firsthand how coming together for a mutual goal that feeds individual souls is powerful because I have been in this type of group for a long time, and it has been (and still is) nothing short of transformative! So... I have taken that idea and re-imagined it to fit grieving moms and our unique healing needs.


In this narrative therapy-style project, you will not be alone. You will receive writing guidance, grief companioning, and total support from start to finish. 


I am here to walk this journey with you. Are you ready to dig deeper for real personal growth while standing confidently alongside your grief and putting a unique legacy for YOUR child into the world?


"So, tell me, what IS this project?"

Is this a group project for you? Well, let me tell you what you can expect in this 13-week, narrative-therapy-style group project:
  • Thirteen weekly two-hour Zoom Sessions
  • You will be guided and companioned every step of the way, including prompts, tools, checklists, and more. Remember, this is a healing process for you alongside a legacy project for your child! 
  • Weekly discussions and Q&A time are included in each meeting.
  • A private chat area is set up for all participants so that you can stay connected and offer support throughout the project. 
  • A two-hour one-on-one session to review final "edits" (I say this in quotes because we will be helping you edit, but not for content—this is YOUR story—just edits for impact, flow, grammar, spelling, etc.). 
  • Ultimately, the chance to be published as an author in a compilation-style Legacy book on Amazon (optional, of course). The Title = "Because They Lived" (with each having a unique Volume # & cover art, which you will have influence in)
  • Lasting connections & friendships with other moms who understand this loss.
  • Zoom Book Launch Event (about a month after the book is out) to celebrate and share what you have learned and accomplished.

[NOTE: This project includes all editing, formatting, publishing through Amazon, etc., which will be done by my team and me (Melissa). You just show up, do the work and write. The book will be published approximately four to six weeks after the project ends.] 

If I still have your attention, you need to be on my list, and that starts with a 60-minute discovery call with me. No one will be accepted into the group until they have had this call. After the call, you will get an email to sign up if the project is a good fit for you at this time.


This is a peer-to-peer small group, and I (Melissa) will hand-pick and specially curate it to create an impactful experience and maximize your benefit. While there is a direction (and intention) toward healing alongside the writing, be advised that I am not a licensed mental health professional, and this project is in no way meant to be a substitute for medical therapy.

The first session of 2024 is underway, and I am now taking moms for the August 2024 group.

The ONLY two session start dates in 2024 are February 7 and August 14, 2024—get selected for a seat today! 


SEATS ARE LIMITED, with a maximum of 7 per group, so get on the list now if you think you might be interested! 

Investment - $3000 (payment plans/options are available if needed & there is always a discount for All-Access community members) 

Please fill out the form below, and I (Melissa) will contact you within a week to schedule a 60-minute chat to discuss whether this project is the right fit for you in this space in your grief journey. 


What Moms Are Saying (Who Have Completed the Project)

Barb (Donavon's Mom) 

"I would absolutely recommend this. It was very healing for me. These other women were like a major support...and it felt like in getting to know these women, our kids were also together and cheering us on and helping to hold us up. And the healing aspect of it... it's part of the work. Time doesn't heal everything. And if we wait for time to heal this for us, we're going to be waiting forever. So, you have to do the work and this, for me, was part of it. Thanks, Melissa"

Nalini (Nick's Mom)

 "...there's not enough words... to describe the gratitude and the love and the healing that I have been given by being provided this opportunity to share my son's story and get to know my son even a little bit better and remember him in a better way... I would strongly recommend it to anyone who's looking for community support, healing, , figuring out how to get through this grief journey, I got all of those things and much more from it. So I'm so grateful to you, Melissa."

Cystal (Taylor's Mom)

"...everything about it was just wonderful. You can just tell that you planned it out, even small details. It was an excellent experience. I'm very honored to be a part of this...and you really did make it easy to do. This legacy project is special and unique. It provides a connection, a healing, a bond, a type of therapy.  I can't recommend it enough."

Ellen (Aidan's Mom)

 "...this (project) provides a structure for us to do that work. i'm so grateful because somebody once said that, doing grief work is like pouring alcohol in the wound. It hurts really bad, but it's part of the process of healing   But I don't think there will ever be a mother who takes part in telling their child's legacy that will say, I regret telling that story. I think that it...they are babies and we want their stories to be told and you'll never regret that. Thank you, all of you, for helping me do that because it was hard and I needed your hands to hold mine as we went through the process. Thank you"